Sorority rush crash course: What to wear and what to expect

The Modish Mix
6 min readApr 25, 2024


The process of sorority recruitment is one that is definitely intimidating, but it is an incredible time to dress to impress, start to discover your personal values, build lifelong friendships, and meet older girls that will hold your hand and guide you through the first few weeks of your first year of college.

I loved the rush experience, but I’m not going to lie, I went in a little blind, especially to the Ole Miss recruitment process. Growing up, I had heard a lot about recruitment at other schools, but I could count on one hand the amount of people I knew that had already gone through the recruitment process at Ole Miss.

So, think of me as your friend. I’m here to give you tips and pointers, tell you how to confidently dress, and ultimately ease your worries going into this process.

Before we start, my most important pointer of all is: have fun! Enjoy being heard, seen, and sought after, because this process is going to make you feel so special. At the end of the day, you will land where you are meant to be!

FYI: this is all coming from my experience at Ole Miss. Some of this information may be subject to change based on the school that you are going to.

Day 1: Greek Day

This may be an unpopular opinion, but Greek Day was the most important day for me. On this day, you will be able to watch videos from each chapter, learn which philanthropy they support, how much their dues are, and the type of “vibe” that their chapter portrays. TAKE NOTES! You will be so overwhelmed by the amount of information that is being thrown at you, so it is important to take notes to look back on after all is said in done.

While you are subject to your own opinion in the ranking process, I encourage you to keep an open mind! You truly can’t go wrong with any chapter in the Panhellenic Community, so it is important to put whatever bias you may have aside and take it all in like you’re seeing it all for the very first time.

Day 2/3: Philanthropy

Despite the fact that being in a sorority is fun and exciting, charity and philanthropy is a huge part of your involvement in any chapter. Each chapter supports an important cause and takes their philanthropy very seriously, as they should! On this day, you will go to each house that asks you back and watch a video about the chapter’s philanthropy. They will be excited to talk to you about it, hear your opinions, and even your personal experiences if you have a connection to their philanthropy.

MY BIGGEST TIP: try to study and learn a little bit about each chapter’s philanthropy before your round to make your conversations go smoother. The chapters here all support incredible causes, and going to other chapter’s philanthropy events was one of the most fun parts of freshman year for me!

DAY 4/5: Sisterhood

At this point in the week, you will most likely be narrowed down to a handful of houses — maybe 3–4. This is the most important time to try to form personal relationships with the girls that you are talking to. Each chapter that you visit this day will show you a video that encompasses their sisterhood, i.e. fun activities, interviews with girls about the relationships that they have formed in their chapter, etc.

For me, this was the most emotional day. Not in a sad or scared way, but in an excited way. I was excited because I knew that no matter what chapter became my home, I would find relationships like these girls had. And let me tell you — I HAVE! Being involved in a sisterhood has been the most formative part of my time in college. Look around the room… some of these girls may be in your pledge class, one may become your big sister. It’s truly a sureal feeling!

Last day: Preference (Pref)

Preference is the most emotional day for most. You are narrowed down to 1-2 houses (usually 2) and are tasked to choose between them. Whether it is an easy choice, a no-brainer, or one that is a little more difficult, I hope you have peace with your decision. It is okay to tell a chapter, “I found my home somewhere else…” they will be happy for you! All the chapters in the Panhellenic Community love and respect each other very much. If you made a friend in the chapter that you decide not to choose- keep in touch with them! Just because you aren’t in the same chapter as someone else does not mean that you can’t still have a relationship. Some of my closest friends I met during recruitment week and we all chose different houses. It’s great to cast your net wide and have a wide variety of friends!


Congratulations… you made it to bid day! Whether the process went smoothly for you or you had a more difficult time, I hope you are at peace with whatever decision you made. Every chapter absolutely loves their new members and we want to pour into you and make your college experience great. If you had so much fun throughout this process, just get ready, because it only gets better!

Some other tips/insider information:

  • We are just as excited/nervous to talk to you and get to know you as you are! Don’t be nervous. This is a crazy process for us on the other side, too!
  • Be yourself. Members want to get to know the authentic- YOU! It’s important to form relationships that share the same values of friendship, relationships, and sisterhood that you do.
  • Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate! Drink lots of water. There is no place hotter than Mississippi in August.
  • Eat meals. I know it will be a crazy, busy day, but pack a protein bar in your bag. The amount of girls that have passed out on front lawns is scary. You need to be nourished and hydrated so you’re ready for the day!

What to pack in your recruitment tote bag:

  • Portable fan. I didn’t have one of these and I envied the girls that thought to get them. This is a HUGE help!
  • Oil blotting sheets, powder, setting spray, etc. You will want to touch up your makeup between houses because you’ll be walking around campus sweating!
  • Perfume, deodorant, and mints. Once again- you’ll be sweating- and you’ll be in close proximity with a lot of other girls in the houses. You want to smell good!
  • Bandaids. Nothing is worse than walking around in heels in pain, with bleeding feet in blisters. This is another must!
  • Water bottle, snacks



The Modish Mix

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